RM Balance

Windows close to nature

Windows are timeless design elements of both the interior and exterior of your home. Which other component plays such an important role?

Natural freshness enters the home

The oldest wooden house in Europe is located in the Vest Telemark Museum in Dalen, Norway. The Vindlausloftet was built in 1168 from pine. A process from the far north is also used in the processing of our DURA Pine® - perhaps the same process as the original builders of the Vindlausloftet used? Our windows offer very long life spans without chemicals.


Timber windows are timeless and offer unique patterning and graining. Richard Martin balance is based upon traditional working knowledge of our ancestors, who have been manufacturing timber windows for well over 100 years.


The Uw value = 0,95 W/(m²K) is in accordance with modern energy-efficient building practices and excellent match for energy-efficient renovations. The 80mm timber profile depth and highly-insulating triple glazing with "warm edge" offer lower heating bills and pleasant room temperatures year-round.


Pre-treatment of individual timber window components is essential for truly long window longevity. You can rely on us: our partners are able to offer a 10 year surface warranty for timber windows.

Environmentally friendly

Sustainable pine from managed European forests does not add to the immense CO2 output of long-haul timber transport. Richard Martin balance windows have been awarded PEFC certification for sustainable forestry.


Secure and well protected - in-built security means you can relax. Burglar resistant fittings of class RC N1 (RC 1N) and additional locking points afford excellent protection against forced-entry. Unique locking handles offer further intruder protection, with patented locking mechanisms.

All the facts at a glance

Timber style
DURA pine®
Outer layers in pine heart-wood
Profile depth
80 mm
More timber, better insulation
triple glazed Ug 0,7 W/(m²K)
With "warm edge" spacers
Total window U-Value
Uw ≤ 0,95 W/(m²K)
EnEV conformity for new buildings and renovations
Functional surface
Siegenia-Aubi RC N1
4 security locking points with mushroom-head bolts
4 security locking points with mushroom-head bolts
Window handle
Locking mechanism to prevent unwanted opening from outside
Surface finish
7 stage construction
Timber pre-treatment per single component
Two perimeter seals
Long-lasting, high re-forming ability